Worship…it is a very big topic with a lot of varying opinions about what, why, where and when we do this thing called worship!
I have come to know that my soul purpose here in this earthly existence is to point to Jesus, that is why we "e;believers"e; are here! Share on X(Thank you Frances Chan for making that very evident in Crazy Love.)
With that being said I want us to think about your most favorite person on earth. You know what I mean don’t you…the one you long to be with, can’t get enough time with and can’t wait until the next time! Well now let’s make that person our Lord. Let’s base this whole worship concept on who it is that we adore.
This is a fascinating definition of worship by apologist, Ravi Zacharias:
“is the submission of all of our nature to God,
it’s the quickening of conscience by His holiness,
nourishment of mind by His truth,
purifying of imagination by His beauty,
opening of the heart to His love,
submission of will to His purpose,
All this gathered up in adoration…is the greatest of human expressions.”
~Ravi Zacharias
Love it, an intellectual defining of worship as only Ravi can define! But we aren’t all there with the lofty understanding and sometimes need a down to earth picture of what this worship is all about.
As you can see from Ravi’s point, this is a something you do or we can say that the out-flow from us makes this worship a verb form of the word. Or I like to think of it as a ‘response’ to the Father’s love. The more I get to know Him, the more I want to worship Him in everything I do.
In my everyday living, loving, serving, this is it...this is my response to a God I'm madly in love with, and I call it worship! Share on XBut what about the musical aspect of worship? Oh I love my worship music! After all I host a radio program for two hours every weekday filled with music that points to the King! That brings Him glory and expresses my love for Him.
Now here’s the thing, music is something I can do a lot of the time because I sing all day long. I wake up with a song in my heart. But I want to say that how I live my life for Him, every moment of every day is really my expression of love for Father!
Pouring my heart out before Him as I express my hearts desire to know Him more!
Singing along and worshiping with this great group of ‘worshipers’ is one amazing event! I love the element of deep focus on the Lord that musical worship brings into my heart. Oh how I look forward to a day when this is what we will be doing forever, gathered with the Saints in worship before the throne of God!!!
I don’t know about you but, I think we need to practice the worship thing while we are on this side of eternity! So let me ask you…
- When do you know you are worshiping God? Does it feel like a result to doing something, like warm fuzzies?
- How can you practice, this in your everyday living? Careful, I’m not talking about a works based thing here.
- Remember, worship is a state of the heart. Go back and read Ravi’s description before you move on.
The result of a changed heart from experiencing His presence when we draw near to Him with an adoring heart creates an out-flowing love for others. It brings us to that place called ministry, called caring without thinking about it. Worship is my time with God in whatever form that takes in our individual lives. And on this side of the journey, I am always thrilled when I can pull a bit closer knowing it is transforming me to be more like Jesus.
And another aspect you may want to investigate is that Worship is a Tool! And in the Bible there were the worshipers who went before the soldiers to accomplish a certain task before the battle would take place. Quite fascinating especially how we can apply that to our services today that open and close with worship.
Will you let the Lord pull you a bit closer by opening your heart to His? He wants to reveal more of who He is to you and as you draw near He does just This is the stuff that changes us from the inside out, friend!
“But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord God my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works.” Psalm 73:28 (NASB)
Kimberly serves in ministry at Psalm FM Radio in the “Icebox of the Nation” where she hosts a daily music program,”Vertical Connection”
Living northward with her husband, mom, dog and cat is a must while indulging her grandsons with lots of woods to venture in when they visit.
Kimberly loves to encourage and challenge through her words and whether speaking or writing her love for Jesus is evident.
“For this reason I say to you, her sins, which are many, have been forgiven, for she loved much;” Luke 7:47a