I Did a Thing…

And a pretty big thing at that! I have written my first book. Honestly, I can’t believe that I began the “real” journey in November of 2022, and it was technically published just before Thanksgiving of 2023.

What’s the big deal you ask? I’m a procrastinator. Not quite chronic but…I do tend to put things off instead of getting them finished and done.

What Started the Journey?

Oh my, going back about 25 years ago I began minumally sharing my life story. It was a couple times at a few different churches including my own for womens’ gatherings. What became a familar comment was that I should write my story as I had shared at the various women’s events over the next several years.

I entertained the thought and said to myself, I can do this. I’m going to write my crazy story. I would go at it for a bit then that was enough for a while and I would put it aside. Eventually I managed to write three chapters of my early years…very early. However, my life got very busy with a few differnt things happening. For instance my mom, who had been staying on our property in her trailer in the summer months eventually led her to living with us until her passing. That is a big responsibility while working full-time so there just wasn’t the time for writing through that duration.

Seasons Change…

After Mom’s passing in 2018, there were adjustments to make as we went back to just me and the husband. I found myself picking away at my old file. I’d change things here and there but really never made any headway. I was still working so continued to be busy with life and job things, and a surgery thrown in there as well. Needless to say, I began to think that this just wasn’t going to happen! At speaking events again I would hear the question asked, “So when are you going to write your story?” This went on for several years.

Then Came Retirement!

I dropped down to part-time where I was doing what I loved most, hosting music. This finally gave way to taking the plunge, retiring in July 2022. I did struggle a bit trying to figure out what to do with my life now that I was retired. I love my gardening in the summer but it finally slows down in October. Then what?

That following fall brought me to a serious decision. I made the decision to join a self-publishing business because I was going to finally get this book written! Signed on our anniversary in October and started right in November after some meetings to get a feel for the ropes, I began. My husband had one stipulation, “If you are going to do this you better finish it!” The old procrastinator me, well, I made the promise that I would.

The Journey Begins

Wow, let me just say that this was not an easy peasy task. Actually, it became a year of lessons that I realized the Lord was teaching me. First and formost…His timing is perfect! I like things in the now not the wait and see. So I went through a few sessions where I just had to hang on and wait.

My Scripture mantra comes from Philippians 4:6,7. I do have a post somewhere in here that I blogged on these two verses:

“Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God. And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].”

Philippians 4:6-7 AMP

These words became frequent company for me going through the variety of waiting scenarios. I also realized that I was a target for the enemy through several periods, especially near the end. There were several times I just had to rebuke, you know who, and tell him to get out of my head. He would wisper lies like, “you are a fool to write this book”, “people are going to call you a fool”, “why would you write all this for people to know about who you really are”. On and on the tape would roll, especially as the final edits drew near. But I have learned a thing or two about this schemer, he is a liar wanting nothing more for me than to forfeit my soul to him. It just isn’t going to happen. You see, I’ve been bought and paid for with a precious price, the price of my Savoir’s precious blood! No one can take that away from me!

I persisted and by golly, the manuscript was finished and headed to the team for formatting and cover design. Right before Thanksgiving it was uploaded to Amazon Direct Publishing. We had some quirky things take place but by the new year it was good to go! Whew, I was and am one relieved author. Yes, no longer just a writer but a real author!

By the way, isn’t that cover just beautiful? Thanks to our friend Gordy Lindgren, photographer, who loves a night sky and God’s creatures. I have named this photo of his, “The heavens declare the glory of the Lord…” You can find some pretty wonderful photos that he has taken. Just look him up! gordylindgrenphoto.com

There Were Certainly Challenges!

It sure is intersting whe we do things the Lord has asked of us. That enemy I talked about, he sure tried his best to get me to throw in the towel with this project. But I refused to succumb in spite of the few really hard circumstances that kept popping up seemingly out of nowhere.

We had a rather challenging summer with a garden that was quite consuming. But I did the best I could to keep up with it all. Then things really got strange on us. Remember that rebuking thing? I was doing a lot as we contended with several issues in our house, even ourselves.

My husband started having some issues that were causing much pain on the left side of his face. We did learn later on that it is something to do with three nerves in the brain. At that time no one knew what to do about it from doctors and dentists locally. But he was eventually put on a medication that helped it subside, that is until the Lord decides to heal him.

Then we had a tragic and terribly sad day as our 15 yr old Schnauzer had to be put down after she tried to bite the tire but the tire won. We were devestated and me especially. Oh my I loved that little girl. I have several stories in here about lessons I’ve learned while having her. I miss her terribly.

There were also some things that began happening in the house. Our washing machine went caput and my husband had it apart several times with new parts and after about the third time he finally said, “I think I have it but we will have to replace it soon.” Right now it is still working, thank you Lord!

Kimberly, tumbles down the last stair and clunked her head against the corner of the door way bruising her shoulder terribly and naturally raising a huge lump on the noggin. All is well, no concusion thank You Lord. Or at least no one is saying something isn’t right.

Our sink proceeded to get plugged quite solid. We managed to finally free it after three doses of a product when it suddenly broke loose, whew!

And one of the toilets somehow ended up with a broken seal. Oh yes not a pleasant thing to have to contend with. Now all these things took place from the last week of July through the first part of October. I don’t know but it certainly seemed like an attack to me? But we pressed on!

All that to say that yes stuff happens, not usually so much in a short amount of time! We weathered it and I’m still grieving my sweet Elsa girl. But we have come out stronger for the ordeal.

Which leads me to close with this: When you give God your yes, you may be put to the test. However, do not fear. God had us well covered.

We did get through it all. Even with our Elsa, I had been in denial that she was declining rapidly at 15. Not only that it would have been a rough winter for her. Especially while her jaw healing (it was broken in the accident.)

Lessons were learned and the Lord came along side of us every time. I have grown so close to Him. Especially after all of the above incidents that happen. I sure can see how one would possibly throw in the towel and say enough. But I knew it was time to just do it as the Lord had something in mind. Would I do this book writing thing again? I am hoping to!

Would You Like a Copy?

If you would like to check out my book, head over to Amazon. Here’s a link to make it easier https://a.co/d/6JDAg65

When you finish up the book, I would ask a huge favor, please head back to Amazon and leave a sincere review, primarily if you found value in the content. That would be a blessing to me! Please feel free to ask any questions and I’ll do my best to answer them!

You just have to embrace your story no matter how ugly. Why? Because in Christ, your story has already been redeemed!

God So Loved the World…


This is the season of light. If you are Jewish, you would be celebrating Hanukkah — or the Festival of Lights. This was originally a celebration of the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem. Hanukkah also celebrates the miracle of the lamp, which provided light for eight days despite a lack of oil.

During this time of Advent we use candles in the four weeks leading up to Christmas expressing our anticipation as we await the coming of the Christ child.

We use light at this time of the year with candles and electric lights. The lights represent the Christ, who through His death, burial and Resurrection brought light to earth.

1 Peter 2:9-10 says, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light, for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God, you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (emphasis added)

The Message paraphrase reads: “But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you — from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when He arrives.”

We Bear His Light

God so loved the world…When God came in the flesh, Jesus, He created us in His image so we could be bearers of His light. This is an incredible show of God’s extravagant love for us. Whether it is working in Christian radio, bringing the Good News through word and song, being women who mentor others as they lead and show the way, or simply being available to bring the Light of Christ to those around us, this world desperately needs Jesus!

Matthew 5:13-16 says, “We have an obligation or mandate to be light bearers! You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men. You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.”

God so loved the world. …Every single day you rub elbows with someone who needs a touch of the Light in their world. Your responsibility as a child of God is to project His light into their darkness. Think about it this way:

  • When things are difficult, why are you able to stand firm in your convictions?
  • When your marriage is failing, why are you able to forgive the wrong and love that spouse in spite of what might have happened?
  • When you have hurt or offended someone, how is it that you are able to ask them for forgiveness and love them?

I will remind you as I do myself often, this journey we are on is not about us. As believers in Jesus, our purpose is to serve the Lord and bring or have an impact on bringing others to Christ. Ah, you thought there was something in it for you? Well, of course there is! God is using you to help build his Kingdom. And that’s a big deal!

God so loved you! So impact your world by shining brightly and exposing others to His light. So my friend, this is no time to shrink back…but shine!

Everybody Has a Story

Do you have a ‘prayer goup’? My prayer group has been so such an encouragement to me through the years we have met together. We have shared with each other the where and how God brought us to His redemption, and how He literally rescued some of us from the pit. It is quite humbling to think of how God has worked in each of us, bringing us to where we are today. Faith-filled, and in no way crediting ourselves for His glorious work. Every one of us has a story. For me, my merciful God saw the mess I’d made out of my life. He came to my rescue when I finally cried out for help.

Unlike me, you may have come to Christ by simply praying the prayer. But then your life changed. Maybe nothing dramatic but none the less brand new in Christ and a miracle! You became a new creature in Christ and that’s amazing Grace! There is absolutely nothing to say or do to take the credit for this new life you now live in Christ. As my former pastor used to say now and again from an old hymn “Nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling…”  

Brought out of Darkness

It is difficult to see ourselves as new in Christ without trying to take some sort of credit for it but alas, it was the hand of providence and wooing of the Holy Spirit that sought to rescue us and as it says in 1Peter 2:9-10…

“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;  who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”

Today, I am so grateful for where He has brought me and I listened intently with joy as another sister shared more of her story and I think how amazing is this God is who delights when each of us enter the fold. Whether a dramatic rescue or just a simple acknowledgement of needing Him, we are all miracles and beautiful in our Father’s eyes.

What is your story?

What’s Your Story?

Your story may not include drama and hardship, however, guarenteed, you are still a miracle. God has called you specifically to be His! Let’s rejoice in the beautiful calling He has given us, His children, to be the light of Christ in a darkened world.

Lord, today let me be Your hands, feet, arms and mouthpiece to those who don’t know You. Thank you for reconciling us to Yourself giving us the advantage of being Your children. Thank you for my story of redemption which gives hope to those desperately in need. And in this You give us peace and hope in the midst of a crazy world as we await the return of Your Son for His coming is ever closer. In Jesus Name!

Oh How I Loved My Coffee

If you only knew how much I loved coffee! I mean we are talking monthly auto-ship from an online coffee vendor. Anytime I was near a favorite high-end coffee shop I would always have to bring home a bag or two of Fireside Blend…oh so delish (my fave for many years!)

What about those chocolate-covered coffee beans…yummy? Except for the chunks of grinds left between your teeth, haha! They are always an opportunity for a double kick if you will.

One of my crazy coffee snob antics (I’ve given my friend the okay to share), will tell of times when we have been out of town together and how I always brought my own coffee! I would empty out the hotel packets and very carefully replace the hotel grinds with my own ground coffee to provide delicious dark roast coffee every morning. Anyone who knew me knew I loved coffee!

Oh for the Love of Coffee

So why am I saying that I loved my coffee? I can hardly believe it myself! It just so happens that I no longer have the desire to drink that luscious dark delight I once enjoyed. Whaaaaa? So how does a bonafide coffee snob stop drinking coffee anyway?

A few years ago, I was introduced to a nutrition product called Zeal. A wonderful, easy to drink, complete food product/supplement. Zeal, fills you with all the wonderful vitamins and nutrients we lack and need especially in today’s deprived world. I dabbled and took it on and off for about 9-months.

When fall arrived I decided that I would try this product the way it was supposed to be taken, daily for three months. I would then be able to tell if the stuff really worked as was reported. It would fill me with goodness, improve my immune system, provide anti-inflammatory results, help with my aging process, and did I mention improving my focus…and brain fog?

The Zeal Results

That year I did not get sick or get bronchitis, (which would come to dwell with me for about three months including recovery every new year!) For a woman who uses her voice for her employment that was great news! I continued over the next year, I still didn’t get sick! Woo hoo, incredible. I loved the energy I got from taking it and of course the fact that I wasn’t getting the annual Bronchitis was amazing!

And then there’s Guarana

Here’s the interesting thing…Zeal has an amazing ingredient called Guarana in its formula that falls under its Enrich Blend properties.

This is how it affected my coffee consumption:

  • The morning coffee routine began to decrease to one or two cups
  • My afternoon coffee was then replaced with a second serving of Zeal

The afternoon slump gave way to added nutrition instead of a cup of coffee like so many of us do mid-afternoon.

What’s so Good about Guarana?

Guarana Seed
Guarana seed powder is used to help increase energy, regulate a healthy metabolism, and suppress the appetite in a natural and healthy way. Share on X

Guarana, will give you the energy you need as it’s released slowly through your system over several hours. Sufficient to carry you through the day (whether your day begins early or you need help with that mid-afternoon slump.)

“…through clinical studies, it is shown that Guarana can improve memory and alertness. In many cases, it can also improve a person’s mood…The biggest advantage–and one that most people aren’t aware of–is that it can help you lose weight.” ~HerbWisdom.com

Needless to say, I do not drink coffee. And seriously, I didn’t plan this! The smell is still captivating but I just don’t enjoy the taste anymore. The good news is that I’m benefiting from the properties of the Guarana seed powder that helps curb my appetite and benefit my metabolism.

I would love to help you give Zeal a try. Even just 30-90 days might make a difference in how you feel, why it might even be great!

Yup, there was a time when I ‘loved’ my coffee. However, now I love what is aiding my health quest!

Fear and Uncertainty Demanded My Attention…

Do you ever feel sorry for yourself? You are in the midst of bleak surroundings and is seems like your world is suddenly growing smaller?

Last week I felt like I was sliding down a slippery slope…let’s call it self-pity. Monday wasn’t a pretty day. Although, I didn’t realize just how much until that afternoon when a call came. A loved one had been injured.

My mind began to race with many imagined scenarios. Ugh, how in the world am I going to take care of two olders, work, clean (ha, that ain’t happening these days), tend to the things that my better half wouldn’t be able to do and still find time to be me? Good grief, the shroud of doubt began to cover my normally upbeat demeanor and I quickly slipped downward.

There was only one thing that was keeping me afloat…I was determined to be thankful. Our anniversary was the next day and I still had a husband! I wasn’t ready to be a widow, no way! Not only that, I felt certain he wasn’t going to be an invalid!

However, the fears began to nag at my thoughts. Oh, my, a snowstorm on Friday and who was going to shovel us out if we get the snow the forecast was predicting? Guessing that somehow I would make it work.

All right Kimberly, where is your faith? Thankfully, we didn’t get much snow and I managed just fine, shoveling was easy. I got out of the driveway and to work. Oh yes, the week continued with two appointments for my little momma while running home to make lunch for the other invalid, run back to work to finish the afternoon and then to the store to pick up some groceries and pills and argh…I started to feel like I couldn’t breathe! To top it off my guy wasn’t feeling well at all, blasted pain pills!

I had to draw a line in the sand and purpose to maintain a thankful heart, telling myself that I must, feel like it or not! Share on X My loved one wasn’t doing very well and a trip to ER was forthcoming on Saturday. At that point, I realized that was okay because maybe he would get some answers and a solution to the current situation. And he did! The better part of that day he actually got to get out of the house and could breathe some fresh air.

Wow, did that weekend go quickly. Apart from making a dinner and doing some laundry, it felt as if I accomplished nothing! So grateful for our “good neighbors” who came and shoveled for me as I was leaving for church. And he also got my guy’s vehicle started, thawed out and replaced his dwindling battery (plagued by not starting when it should!) Then he returned it, putting it in the garage. Boy is wonderful to have good neighbors, what a blessing! (Thankful, yes, I am remembering.)

The Holy Spirit Ministered to Me…

Monday morning up and running, fixing breakfast, getting Mr. situated so I could get ready for work. And that’s when I fell apart. All weekend I had been humming and singing a few of the lyrics of Gracefully Broken by Matt Redman and Tasha Cobbs. I know it was the Holy Spirit who prompted me to grab my tablet and close the door to the bathroom and let that song minister to my broken spirit. Oh, my Lord, does He use songs to work in my heart so often.  Well, that song had me unable to put makeup on because the tears were streaming down my checks. So I just closed my eyes, worshiped and once again, gave Him all I had, a weak and pitiful me who had succumbed to letting my faith waiver.

I'm gonna tell you, girls, that stuff happens when we open our broken hearts up to the Lord and allow Him to apply the loving balm of Gilead to our wounds. It's like He massages our hearts back to life...like He once again breathes life into our… Share on X I don’t like that weakened state when I find myself there. He lets me become undone, but doesn’t leave me there. I know this was just what was needed, to be reminded of His faithfulness when I let mine run dry. I then remember, He isn’t going to leave me in the ash pit wallowing in self-pity. That is NOT what He created me for…no, He rescued me from that years ago.

His greater purpose for me is once again flowing through my bloodstream and I once again feel alive. Thanks to my morning worship time, in my bathroom, soaked in tears. There He whispered to my heart…”Kimberly, it is going to be alright. I am caring for YOU and your loved ones right now. My love for you is your ever-present strength, so call upon Me at any time. You are mine and I love you!” Oh my, what a Father I have. Sigh…I just had to stop, take a deep breath and once again count my blessings.

God Always works Things for My Better Good…

It is times like these that are used as stepping stones to draw us closer to Him. Right now as I write this I envision when we as parents have to be lovingly stern with our children. But then afterward, we grab that child of ours and we hold them so close enveloping them with our cloak of love. That was me and my Father that Monday morning as He loved me back to life.

Oh, friend, life and it’s unexpected company can really throw us the curve balls, can’t it. But our Father, He is ever with us and always working it together for our good! I saw you bristle a bit there…it is just that it is true!

Don’t resist the Father when He allows circumstance to shape and mold us to be more like Him. The key is taking our focus off of us and putting it where it belongs, on Him. 

The reality is that at the time it “feels” like He has turned His back on us. We use that phrase, “How could you let this happen to us?” But we can’t see the big picture, we can’t see what is just around the corner. So instead I choose to be thankful…I wasn’t a widow, he wasn’t suddenly handicapped…no, I became thankful, grateful and willing to accept right where I was in that moment of time. A day befor my anniversary I made the choice to be thankful!

Colossians 3:15 TPT…

Let your heart be always guided by the peace of the Anointed One, who called you to peace as part of his one body. And always be thankful.”

Is there something that has gone awry in your heart today? This thing may have you fearful, uncertain, feeling sorry for yourself, or maybe even angry?

If you are willing to hand those circumstance over to the Lord; admit you can’t continue to live with them any longer; and be willing to put your trust in the Lord, your Father, He will right what’s wrong, heal what’s broken, and will apply His love balm right where it’s needed.

Look around you girl…you have much to be thankful for. Even if you only see one or two things, it’s enough to carry you through. Please remember just how much you are loved and let Him show you how much as your wounds heal and trust is regained.

The Father is Here for You…

Thank you Lord for the gift of thankfulness, for giving me a heart that won’t rest until it is once again in sync with yours. I give you my pain and sorrows, my fears, regrets and uncertainties and ask you to work them all together for my good as I lay them down at your feet. Thank you for being my Father, the One who cares and loves me so, in Jesus’ name.

Got Peace?

How’s your peace today?
Are you walking in it?
Are you welcoming it?
Or are you preventing it?

There are a lot of things that prevent us from walking in His perfect peace! God’s peace is freely offered and without limit, but we have a responsibility to maintain it!

Peace in the Midst of Life’s Storms?

How do we do this? I can tell you first hand that it isn’t through worrying and being fearful! And it isn’t by having a prideful attitude or by putting our confidence in ourselves. And finally, peace isn’t found in offenses. Whether unforgiveness or by thinking someone purposely tried to hurt you or put you down. Oh, they can and sometimes will, however, our responsibility is still not to let an offense work to rob us of our peace. The good news is that there is such a thing as reconciliation as difficult as that can sometimes be when we seek it out.

You see, we live and deal with imperfect people, kind of just like we are we!

I know the times I have bitten the bullet and gone to someone who has hurt me deeply. It was really hard, but the outcome was beautiful and began a mending of our broken relationship.

There have also been times when I was not very nice to someone. My husband can get the butt of my bad attitude sometimes. However, I am learning to recognize the conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit. When He prompts me to see my wrong in a situation. When I have elevated myself and lowered him. It isn’t pretty. When the Holy Spirit shows me what I’ve done, I have learned not to turn away from it but to look at Him, humble myself and admit the error of my way.


Admitting our issues can be a challenge and I admit that I might not want to go there. But as He works on me I surrender. Surrender, what a beautiful word! A word we tend to avoid rather than embrace! And believe it or not, practice will make it easier over time to let go of my justification and just deal with my bad!

I am so thankful for the Holy Spirit in my life. This amazing precious gift that Jesus Himself gave to His believers.

Jesus Says We Will Have Troubles

So, friends, Jesus reminds us that in this world we will have trouble! He also reminds us that we have the peace of Jesus. It was His gift to sustain us in our difficult times, those times that come to us on this side of glory. Then He says that He has overcome the world that brings us all the troubles we face as we try to blend in and fit into worldly living. (a thought for another time!)

I want to leave you with these lovely words Jesus gives us when we have been plagued with troubles…

John 14:27 TPT
“I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!”

In The Passion Translation, the comment at the end of this verse is this…
These are the same words Moses gave before he died and the words God spoke to Joshua as he entered into his life’s plan of taking the promised land for Israel.

Take heart, we have been given what we need to make it through on our journey to the finish line…as we magnify Christ in us and in turn, glorify and honor Him with all that we are, for we are His ❤️

Hope Springs Eternal

What is it that keeps us from never giving up?

Are there things in your life that you know have yet to be fulfilled? Maybe a dream you know God has birthed inside of your heart that you just can’t see happening because of circumstances going on in your life? Could it be that there are broken relationships you know need to be healed and mended but you can’t find the ‘how’?

I’m with you! For whatever reason, my seasons have not brought the desire of my heart into reality. I also confess that sometimes, I’m ready to give in to the “it will never happen” mentality. Pretty sad, isn’t it? And it almost feels like a nail in the coffin! I feel robbed and like the devil just snuck in and stole the booty from me!

This is exactly what he loves to do when we are a child of God! He wants to steal our dreams and promises, to make us look like losers. Rob our children or loved ones and most definitely he wants to steal our joy. Why joy? Because the joy of the Lord is our strength! (Neh 8:10 ESV)

Nehemiah 8:9-12
“And Nehemiah, who was the governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is holy to the Lord your God; do not mourn or weep.” For all the people wept as they heard the words of the Law. Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” So the Levites calmed all the people, saying, “Be quiet, for this day is holy; do not be grieved.” And all the people went their way to eat and drink and to send portions and to make great rejoicing, because they had understood the words that were declared to them.”

ESV Bible

If you know me at all, you know that God uses music to speak to me along with His Word. The song I posted below has given me hope and helped be my reminder, like the stones of remembrance in OT day, that God has not forgotten! He didn’t then and He won’t today.

God is Aways Faithful…

Do you remember how the Israelites would find themselves either being pursued, surrounded, in captivity, or in the wilderness? What happened is that God brought them through…just as He said He would. Then they would set up an altar with stones of remembrance so that they wouldn’t forget the goodness of the Lord. Reminders of how He would always bring them through on their way to the Promised Land!

Now that’s how this works for you and me today. We look back when we get in an “it will never happen” slump. Back on our stones of remembrance. Maybe a journal where we have logged our God is Faithful events. We are then able to see that reminder and apply it for today! He is good and He is faithful, just as it that happened back then. We then carry that promise, that reminder in our hearts until it does!

Friend, don't give up. Because when we do we doubt the goodness of God. That sets us on a faith decline and that just won't work for us! Share on X Instead, let’s remember He is a God who stands by His word and if He planted it in your heart or spoke it over you, it will come to pass, in His time and in His ways. He is a “Yes and Amen” God. That is just part of what sets Him above all others!

Stand firm, do not be shaken, shake off the doubts, for He will do it again.

“Do It Again” Elevation Worship

(If you want prayer for your situation feel free to email me, I will pray for you)

Making the Most of Every Opportunity!


There is a right time and place where opportunities happen. The key is will we take advantage of them? I kind of think that there are many that come along that we don’t even see.

I personally get down on myself when those God opportunities come along and it isn’t until after the fact that I realize I blew it, I didn’t seize the moment as they say. That’s when I could “kick myself” for blowing it.

How do we keep our eyes open especially to God opportunities and what are they? That covers lots of territory for sure.

Maybe it is a job opening or a mission trip that you might be interested in. Could be an everyday kind of thing like the last minute call to a friend for coffee. Just being at the right place at the right time is always a blessing.

I have found that on those days where I am really wanting more Jesus from the get-go, I ask Him first off to give me eyes to see those opportunities when they come along. Because we do so much better when we are looking for them than the just leaving it all to happenstance. Not that they aren’t a blessing as well, because they are!

  • Seeking Him and asking Him every day to help you see God in all the circumstances that come your way can lead to exciting days!
  • Preparing your heart to be the hands and feet of Jesus when an opportunity presents itself.
  • And may I add, don’t turn away from one.

Sadly, I know it well when that happens. Immediately the Holy Spirit lets me know that I blew it. A couple of instances like that will turn your heart around!

This verse is such a good reminder for us…

” …always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,”

1 Peter 3:15 ESV

When I read that verse I just think of the possibilities when we say yes, we share, help or whatever it is the Holy Spirit is invoking us to do!

Press on friends, there are a pile of souls out there who sure need the Father's touch through us and they definitely need to know why we have hope! Share on X

Kimberly is a blogger at KimberlyNyborg.com. She serves as an office manager and radio host at Psalm FM Radio in International Falls, MN. Her God-given purpose is to help others find hope and healing in Spirit, Soul & Body as she has found through God and His word.

Teach Me to Measure My Days

Five Minute Friday

I love the Psalms, and contained in this verse is a larger than average nugget of truth…

Psalm 39:4 ESV

“O Lord, make me know my end
    and what is the measure of my days;
   let me know how fleeting I am!”

Now how simple yet full of truth is this verse?

I don’t know what you think of when you think about “measuring your days”. But when I read this verse I can’t help but think about the time that is left here on this blue dot earth. Yup, the “time is short” phrase, hits hard at this point in my life…I will be 65 this year.

With that in mind, I am realizing that being 65 just doesn’t leave a lot of time to get things right. When you begin to see the end so much closer than the beginning, life can take on new meaning for sure! But hey, I am still trying to learn and add to my year’s. But it is more of His knowledge I am desiring, not just worldly knowledge.

When I decided to commit to three days a week at a gym it came out of taking care of my momma who wasn’t who she used to be and had developed health issues. My self-talk mantra became “I want to finish strong!” (And it still is!) Momma is now gone but I haven’t changed my outlook on this thought and the actions that follow it.

This heart of gaining His wisdom continues to grow within me as I have made the choice to embark on a health journey. And that really does line up with God’s word, because we are to treat the temple of the Holy Spirit with respect and take care of it. And my blog even includes the Spirit, Soul & Body, theme.

Three Areas of Focus…

Thinking about what that looks like…continue to do those things that will cause your spirit to be free of garbage, your soul to be certain of what view of eternity it will take and to take good care of your temple.

Friends, I am convinced that no matter where you might be on your journey, the days are short and growing shorter! And I don’t want to sound morbid but seriously, what are you doing to be mindful of the time that is left? My prayer would be that we would make our days count as we draw near to the finish line on this side.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this verse too!