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Blessed is the One…

Psalm 1Reading in Psalm 1 today and here’s my question…how have you sought counsel from the wicked and were the results favorable?

I tend to think that wicked can be those who do not have your best interest in mind or those who plot against your success.

:1 “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the [a]path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!”
a. or way

Sometimes the Message paraphrase provides a fun way to look at God’s Word:
:1 How well God must like you—
you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon,
you don’t slink along Dead-End Road,
you don’t go to Smart-Mouth College.

Think about times you sought counsel from the ungodly, secular, random opinions of others and allowed them to ‘twist’ your thinking just enough to get you off of your God pathway. Where you decided not to put God first in your morning…then daily thinking and planning.Line Break

When we ponder those times we can then see where we may have gotten off track or slid into troubled thinking resulting into unwise judgement about something.

But the Word reminds us that blessed is the one who refuses to entertain thoughts, suggestions, ideas, recommendations, etc. from those who do not know God or are even hostile toward Him.

How about today we try to think upon His ways and those things that delight our Father? Test the outcome and see if it isn't a more excellent way! Click To Tweet

Instead from the Message:

:2,3 Instead you thrill to God’s Word,
you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden,
bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
always in blossom.

And the NASB:

:2,3 But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.

Lord, today my desire is to keep my mind on You. Let me dwell on your goodness and forsake my tendency to ask from those who refuse to proclaim Your name. Let me be wise in those things I watch on television and even let my children watch while they are in their formative years of growing and learning to make sound decisions. I want Jesus, You alone and the Holy Spirit to guide me along the way. Let my reactions to His prompting direct my decision making and help me learn to respond immediately when He speaks to my heart, instead of wishing I had later in my day. I ask because I know you hear my hearts desire to please you in Jesus name.

If the Son Sets You Free…

Every now and again those songs come along that just touch your heart and add peace to your day. I love this group of young fresh Irish Christ lovers who call themselves Rend Collective. Their songs are joy-filled and full of faith.

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Since I have been pulled from the pit of destruction when I was that crazy mom of 30, through many trials and tribulations I now know what it means to be free. Free from the guilt that stained my heart and kept me from walking in liberty. I know how God redeems and sets us free to live in fullness which He must delight in as He sees us dancing in our freedom in Christ!

Scars 2

If you are still having difficulty pulling free from your past gunk, let me boldly ask, what are you waiting for? Give it all to Him, quit holding on to your past and the bondage that is keeping you from true freedom in Christ! If you don’t think I know what it means to be there you can visit here to see what Jesus has done for me!

Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:34-36 NASB

No one is too far gone with too much past that God, our mighty Savior, cannot break through! We are called to point others to Him but walking in the Light as He is in the light! 1 John 1:7

If you have never met the Father and would like to, please know that there are redeemed ones who have prayed for you to know Jesus and the peace and joy that only comes from knowing Him. How does this all work you might ask…jump over here to find out more. And visit my prayer page if you would like prayer! Today I pray you will bask in His peace!

Oh Momma, are You at Peace Today?

John16.33Is your contentment contingent on another’s happiness? Whether it is our children, our spouse, our our boss, too often unless they are happy then we will want to or tend to do cartwheels to make them happy. When they aren’t then we may have trouble settling in and being at peace.

Too often our thoughts and the things that we do are perpetuated by what another thinks or by how they may respond. I think we call that walking on eggshells! Boy that can make us one miserable and sometimes neurotic person!

I want to encourage you to look inside and ask yourself just what it is that gives you peace and contentment. If you find it is in pleasing others then “Houston, we have a problem!”

So where do I go and what do I do to find true happiness?

First of all let me ask what is it that causes you to feel content?

Where do you derive that sense of peace that makes you feel ‘real’ joy?

I know that for myself, it didn’t come until I was willing to let go or cut off every string of a someone else “if only they…” that drained life and peace from me. I did so someone else would be happy or see value in me. I controlled so that someone else would not get upset. And on and on the vicious cycle would go. Family, loved ones and our friends can be wonderful, because relationships are extremely important! Part of who the human race is and why we exist is to be relational, by God’s design. And of course ultimately pointing to Him. But when we can’t find contentment apart from others then we really do need to purpose to know why not.

When I came to Christ as a troubled young mom who was extremely co-dependent, I was not a very happy or peace filled person. My joy was too contingent on others. For thirteen years I struggled to be content. I was never truly happy and my world basically fell apart, not to mention that my marriage came pretty close to a disastrous end as well.

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I remember a time when my husband and I had words that weren’t good or healthy. I was so upset and of course the first thing I wanted to do was run to the phone to talk to an older wiser woman of God. I am not kidding you when I say that when I went to pick up the phone the Holy Spirit whispered to me, “Put down the phone and call upon me.” Wow, I did, and I prayed and talked to the Lord and felt more at peace than I had for some time.

You see our tendency is to run to others to solve our problems or to gather our troops. To prove our case is right and that our ‘enemy’ is wrong. Way to solve a problem…not!

It wasn’t until I continued to run to my Abba Father and cry on His shoulders that I could finally find contentment and peace in the midst of my storms. Hey, I had to learn the hard way and it really was a slow process for this hard-hearted woman.  I could no longer keep looking at people to make me happy, to solve my problems so I could have peace. I realized that it needed to come from within, from listening to the Holy Spirit to guide and show me my shortcomings and sin which when confessed lightens the heart!

You may have guessed that this verse in John 16:33 is one I lean hard into…

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

How does knowing this help my situation? I have said many times that I purposed long ago when I came to Christ to although not understanding much of what I read in the Bible, I would choose to believe even what I couldn’t understand. That the Lord would reveal to me what he wanted me to know when I needed to know it.

I have peace knowing that God is sovereign, omniscient and that in spite of His greatness, He cares greatly about me and those things that I am concerned about! My fears and failures. Click To Tweet

In trusting a God like that, I can have peace that passes ALL understanding, even when my world is crumbling apart.

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Oh momma…I want to encourage you to not doubt the God who loves you. Did you know it is a sin not to believe? This isn’t some wishy washy, comme ce, comme ca, kind of God who is in and out, here or there, maybe I can trust Him maybe not. If we don’t believe in what He says then why are we pretending to “Believe” in Christ?

Will you ponder these first three verses of Psalm 46

God is our refuge and strength,
A very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;

Though its waters roar and foam,
Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.

Let your heart find rest not in people, for they can disappoint and let you down. Not in the doing all the right things, to be affirmed (you won’t make it anyway or you will make yourself sick trying!) How about simply allowing yourself to rest in Him. To be comforted by Him. To be surrounded and loved by Him?

The last four verses of Psalm 46 should give way to reassuring your troubled heart:

     Come, behold the works of the LORD,
Who has wrought desolations in the earth.

He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth;
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariots with fire.

“Cease striving and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

The LORD of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our stronghold.

“Cease striving and know that I am God”…another version says, “Be still and know that I am God…” Tonight when you lay your head on your pillow to sleep or hope too, remind yourself of your commitment to Him. Your commitment to trust Him in ALL things, to put your hope in Him so that He can fill you with faith, trust and confidence in Him.

Lord, when my heart is in panic mode and I don’t know where to turn I know I can turn to you! You are the only One who can show me true peace which allows me to truly rest in You. Thank You for loving me and caring for me like nobody else can. There is none like You Lord and I am grateful to be Your child…amen.

Oh Momma, Do Not Fear…

The world certainly is in an uproar. Doesn’t that make you a bit unsettled? These days there isn’t much peace and contentment going on. Watching nightly news only stirs us up and freaks us out! So how can we survive when every thing around us is literally shaking?

Over the past two weeks on the news there have been reports of earthquakes, volcanic activity and of course war. Countries at war, and angry people everywhere. The Bible says it as “wars and rumors of wars.” And indeed we see the Word fulfilling itself!

So friend, how are you doing with it all? You may be so consumed in your home life raising kiddos and working that well, you don’t even have time to look around at what’s happening in the grand scheme of worldly news. It may be several days later that you have the time to even grab the newspaper and see what’s going on. And the list just keeps piling high doesn’t it! We are a busy people today!

However, when you do get a glimpse of all that is taking place it sure can be a bit disconcerting can’t it! But I have a place of refuge where if you will take a moment to just rest and read, you will see that God is still in our midst. He hasn’t taken His eyes off of us, no He cares for you and me and this rattled world we are living in.

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I won’t talk prophesy at this point but yes, all this turmoil is foretold in God’s Word. What I will share are some verses from a Psalm that helps me to know that God is still in control, still on the throne and can still be trusted.

Have you read Psalm 46 lately? It’s not too lengthy, and seriously, it helps to slow down my pulse rate!

“God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.”

How does this resonate with you? I remember the night of 9-11 very vividly. When I went to bed that night I distinctly remember feeling fearful. My husband wrapped me in his arms and comforted me the best he could and I cried and thought of how everything had suddenly changed. How nothing will ever again be as it was. At that moment he was my refuge, holding me and allowing me to rest in him as he said it would be alright. But seriously here, as much as we love our husbands and count on them for our comfort…there is a greater One who even outweighs our men. That may be sort of hard to visualize cause after all we usually want God with skin on!

God is greater and His refuge is sure. It is here that you can find the strength to lift your head out of your busyness and breathe at a normal pace without trying to escape your fears. Click To Tweet

Psalm 46.1

Because the Lord is with us everywhere and always, He is our help in times of trouble. And I don’t mean maybe! I don’t know about you but that is extremely reassuring!

The next couple of verses read:

“Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change
And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;

Though its waters roar and foam,
Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah”

Love that word Selah! From Bible Study Planet: The word “Selah” occurs seventy-three times in the Psalms, and is found also in Hab 3:3,9,13. The exact meaning of the word is unknown, but it’s believed by many scholars to be a musical term that means to pause, or reflect.

God seems to think that it is profitable for us to ponder theses few verses. And frankly, for me He is saying to my heart, “Put your trust in Me because I have all these things in My big hands.” We are completely covered by Him.

When our busyness keeps us from looking at our world, is that really okay? Then we don’t have to deal with how it affects us and our family, right? We don’t want to think about those things cause they aren’t safe for us! I get that. But seriously friend, we need to see God in our midst without minimizing the fact that He is Lord over all of it! The good, the bad and the ugly!

We have the Lord on our side when we have and know His son Jesus! And I often say, how do people get through the really hard stuff without Him? I am thankful that I know Jesus! Please visit here if you want to know more about how this happens!

So let me post the last couple verses trusting you to read the Psalm in its entirety!

Psalm 46.10-11

Oh Momma, take some time to stop, read, and reflect on the truth and promises of our God! He tells us to stop striving and He also reminds us that He is ever with us and always listening and even guiding his own with His eye!

Don't be overwhelmed with the world and your circumstances, be overwhelmed with God's love and care for you! Click To Tweet


It’s a Gift of Life!

But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend; you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, “You are my servant, I have chosen you and not cast you off”; fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

                                                                                                                     ~ Isaiah 41:8-10 ESV

Praise be to God who allowed us the amazing privilege of being grafted into the lineage of Abraham–God’s friend–as well as Isaac and Jacob’s.  How?  Simply put by accepting His gift, His one and only Son, Jesus.

John 1.12

For God Himself, sent His only son, walking flesh and bone, to live among us. He would make a way where there was no way because of the sin that took place in the garden so long ago.

Jesus, came to earth as a humble little baby, born of a virgin (young Mary). A story that is told year after year when we celebrate Christmas. This was done purposefully so that you and I could become God’s sons and daughters.

Do you realize just how incredible that truth is?  Can you wrap your brain around the fact that the Creator of the universe, our Father, made a way for us to have a personal relationship with Him?  I will honestly say that I don’t understand it.  It makes me crazy to think of the expanse of the love that my heavenly Father lavishly poured out for you and me.

This truth certainly exceeds all imagination, all to be restore into a right standing with Him!  How could I ever expect to comprehend this one?

But…by faith, I must. I must simply believe! He saved my life, gave me hope and a chance to walk with purpose in each step, giving me a reason to wake up and live and a reason to love others as He has loved me! 

I like what Francis Chan said in his book Crazy Love, “The point of our life is to point to Him…” Click To Tweet

You too can have life that is intended to be full, rich and abundant and filled with purpose.  You do know that don’t you?  If not, friend, I can’t say enough, in an attempt to convince you of this truth. I know, you can’t see it, taste it, smell it or see it but…it is yours for the taking.  So here, here is the gift of hope and life, and it’s wrapped in love and not just any love but the Father’s love.

easterBecause Jesus went to the cross for you, you have been gifted with spending an eternity with the Father. I want so much for you to have it, no strings attached! If you are like me, it is just too hard to fathom a cross, a horrific death, where life drained from a broken body as Christ’s blood was spilled for you and me. You would think that that would be it, end of the story! But really it was a beginning on the third day, when death was defeated and eternal life in heaven won the victory as Christ arose.

“Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52
This is just too exciting! And there’s more…
“When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” 1 Corinthians 15:54-55
Oh the devil thought it was finished when it had only just begun!
 John 20.30-31
You know, my words really don’t do this story justice at all. But the story is told in His Words. Why not start with the book of John. And know that most of all I pray you receive the ultimate gift of life and the blessing of being welcomed into the family of God, friend.  Take it from someone who has been so topsy turvy on the journey to find peace, love and to have joy in the rest of my earthbound journey.

So once again…here it is, yours for the taking…here’s to life!

With all of My Heart…

From Matt Redman’s book “The Unquenchable Worshipper – Coming Back to the Heart of Worship” (published by Regal Books Copywrite @2001 Matt Redman)

This afternoon I played Matt Redman’s song “Undignified.” It is a captivating song that gets right to the heart of King David, you know, the king who danced with all his might when he brought the the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem.

Have you ever been so overjoyed that you hooted and hollered and expressed your joy at something without looking around to see who was looking? I know I have! David was so exuberant with his worship that he became unrestricted just to dance with “all his might.” It was a public display that showed a heart that was passionate about his God.


However, can we imagine the embarrassment that welled up in David’s wife Michal, so much that their relationship would never the same. For she came to despise David for his unruly public display of worship.

In the book Matt says:

“One of the Hebrew words for praise, hallal, means to be clamorously foolish or mad before the Lord. (That’s where we get our word “hallelujah.”) In a “reasons to be passionate” competition, the church of God should come an easy first; yet too often we find ourselves lagging way behind in this area. Isn’t it time we saw a bit more holy mayhem in our worship?”

I am in agreement with Matt’s opinion that we don’t give all the honor and praise that is due our King. We can rant and rave at sporting events and our kids games, but turn around and remain solemn before our glorious King? Heaven’s no! Let me be a fool for Christ’s sake and let my praise simply magnify my adoration for all He is and all He has done! 

KD Worship

Maybe your heart bubbles up and down when you worship the king, an expression that comes simply from your love for Him. I can only say that I hope so! I dare not judge one’s heart toward the Lord, but how exciting it would be for God to see our hearts filled with joy just to be standing in His presence and expressing our commitment and love for Him! Get engaged and give Him all you’ve got!

Lord, my heart’s desire is to give you everything in my expression of worshiping you for who You are and praising You for all you’ve done and will continue to do. Let my praise be a delight to Your ears. I will be undignified for you Lord, as I worship You with all my might!

Wearing Blinders

13cdc-dscf2193The young girl asked, “What are those things by the horses eyes?  How can he see?”  The owner of the beautiful Percheron pair said “They are blinders and they keep the horse from being spooked or surprised (especially when pulling a sled full of people.)”  Which is just what we were getting ready to enjoy!

These are 1,600 pound horses that could do a lot of damage if they were spooked not to mention that one step on a someone and wow, I think you would break!  We had a delightful ride and my, that pair pulled a sled with 8 adults and 10 kids ranging in size and age.We had a marvelous time and we couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful winter day.  By the end of our hour long ride it began to snow and although beautiful, it was somewhat heavy and wet, it all timed out beautifully!


Snowflake Divider


As I pondered the thought of blinders I realized that in essence we all should be wearing spiritual blinders.  When I think of how easily we can be pulled this way or that in our thinking, (by the the wiles of the enemy of our soul) I think yes, that is just want he wants to do with us. He spooks us into old behavior, getting us off our target, causing us to sin and be filled with regret and if that isn’t enough he gets us to feel guilty. He is so sneaky!

Favorite verses in Philippians 3 remind us to keep our eyes on the prize so that we will attain the goal in sight. That’s how we don’t become distracted and pulled away from that goal!

The Message Paraphrase puts it this way:

Friends, don’t get me wrong:  By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

Phil 3.13-14

If we do likewise, then we really can’t use excuses when we get pulled away and tempted to walk contrary to our Christ life.  God has certainly given us everything we need to literally be armed and dangerous.  I like that thought! We just need to read and lean into Ephesians 6 and remind ourselves of the armor God gives us to use, applying the armor daily just like the horseman.  He dresses his horses to protect them and others!

So, do you have your blinders on today?

Father, I can’t make excuses when I fall, you have fully equip me to stand the wiles of the enemy who would love nothing other than to trip me and then watch me fall. And, he would get double for his effort if I caused someone else to fall.  So guard my heart Lord, may I be armed and watchful and a trustworthy example keeping  my gaze upon the end result of an eternity with You!

Failure, It Just Stinks!

Do you know your love language? I learned a few years back that my primary love language is Words of Affirmation. I almost think this doesn’t qualify as gift! You see, I am a “Words of Affirmation” girl, and it is so hard on me when I screw up. If you bless me with a compliment, I can go for miles and miles. Point out my failures and I am devastated and obsess with the situation for days. I can’t quit thinking of my flub and frankly it sucks!

Line BreakWhen needed, I am a fill-in worship leader (in my church.) I love to lead worship although it is a bit trickier for one who didn’t grow up with traditional worship and hymns to lead for the traditional service. For two weeks in a row a friend and I helped cover the traditional worship service and for some crazy reason it just didn’t go well for me.

The second week was worse than the first because I didn’t know a couple of older songs very well, argh…I really messed up! Bless the hearts of the congregation as they sang those familiar songs without missing a beat! I even forgot the call to worship which starts us out. This was just crazy and I really felt like I made a fool of myself.

Because I only sort of read music and sing by ear, if I know a song I’m fine but for one not so well known it can really get tricky when there are four verses and I have to try to follow the music and read words.

It drives me crazy how I react once I blow it. I feel just like a freak in front of perfect people and I become devastated! You know there won’t be any words of affirmation to greet you as you exit. As a matter of fact, people will tend to avoid you or if they do brave talking to you it is going to be about the weather, ha! Weather is such a safe place to navigate.

I wish that was all! But to make matters worse was my performance based other half who couldn’t wait to ask why I messed up and not just on one but two songs. I wanted to scream and cry all at once! And I didn’t reply very humbly when he asked what the other worship leader had to say. So my retort was far from grace-filled when I said that she is so filled with love and grace that she would have just given me a big hug and said that she has been there. That shut him up in a hurry!

Yes, I have thought about this for way too long. And yes, once again I am admitting to my tendency to be a people pleaser. I know there is a healthy balance between doing your best and pleasing people to satisfy your affirmation craving! But I have to remind myself that I am not perfect and that I will make mistakes.

KD Worship

As a worship leader, my responsibility is to lead the congregation into worship. If I hold myself to performing then I am defeating the purpose and losing focus of my audience of One. He alone is who I want to please, first and foremost. He knows my heart and the intent.

In Darlene Zschech’s book, Extavagant Worship, she points out:

“The disciples whom Jesus chose to have around Him were an imperfect bunch of people to spread the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.”

Somehow this makes me feel a bit better about messing up!

So I am at it again this week and like they say about falling off of a horse, you have to get right back up there and try again. I have reckoned with my heart and I have dealt with my shame and frustration (which doesn’t really do a person any good anyway!) I know Who I love and Who loves me so I will trust that this Sunday’s worship will go much better than the last time.

Psalm 103-8

Maybe you have had to contend with your failures, how did you dealt with your mistake?

Is there something that you do or tell yourself after messing up or miss the mark somewhere?

And finally, how do you think God feels about you when you mess up? Did His love for you drop a notch because you didn’t hit the right notes?

I know my Father’s love and if His mercies are new every day then we need to exercise grace to ourselves and others who may fail now and again.

“The LORD is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.”  Psalm 103:8

For this truth I am so grateful!

Oh Momma…You Set the Temperature

Psalm 37-3,4Have you ever wanted to be influential? Guess what, you really are! You set the thermometer in your home from hot to cold or pleasantly in between. As your morning, begins you have the opportunity to influence your ‘family’s’ day!

I love mornings that begin with peace. I am a morning person—I don’t fight to get up and get moving–but we all have bad days! Days when you get up and stub your toe on the leg of the bed while headed to the bathroom! And hit a pool of cat vomit on the rug just outside that place you were  heading, ARGH, try to recompose yourself now! (You may have even let some choice words slip out of your mouth during navigation to get the dampened paper towels! Don’t you just hate mornings like that?

So now what? Did I totally blow my morning? How do I go about to regroup my thoughts and move forward? Here is where if you continue blindly into the next phase of the day (breakfast for the fam?) you must make a decision!

  1. Continue without realigning your attitude and heart—won’t that help to brighten the day!
  2. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that this is just the beginning to an interesting day. Or…
  3. On your way to do whatever is next, take a few minutes to refocus with prayer and praise.

If you continue on (without dealing with the frustration that just happened,) you risk a morning with discouragement or even regret that can be passed on to your household members, be they little people or big people. And what if one of them didn’t wake up all joy-filled? Hmmm, that might heighten the tension just a bit!

Maybe you are on a mission to get to the next phase of the morning and get the breakfast started, so you just breathe in and proceed. Well you may do fine or you might fall prey to another interesting incident in the next stretch, burn the cereal you are cooking, while helping that little one dress a couple of buttons pop off (yikes, then what, you don’t have time to sew them on and the laundry is piled high!

Well, try this…how about a minute or two to where you look away from your stuff and look to the Father. Remind yourself that He is part of your day from the get go! Purposefully redirected your thoughts to the only place where peace can be your covering for the day. Does this mean that something else won’t happen? Of course not! Life happens and our responsibility is to respond in a way that will prohibit our attitude from remaining skewed (or like I say rotten!)

A beautiful place to go to get your mind off of your circumstances and on to the Father would be: Psalm 8:3-4 from the Message Paraphrase…

“I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry, Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder, why do you bother with us? Why take a second look our way?”

Get your mind fixed on truth…God loves you and that is why He is mindful of you and your good or rotten morning. Praise His name for loving you and let Him know you are sorry for your stinky thinking. By praising Him your difficulties will greatly diminish in size so that you will be able to take a deep breath and brave greeting the next leg of your daily journey!

Look, I do it all the time! Often enough that I know the difference that a few moments of God-talk can make in my home, with my family and me!

Remember you are covered and God has a plan for your day! So continue on…you have set your thermometer to a pleasant 70 degrees and that should make the day get off to a lovely start!

If you need more encouragement you can visit Arabah Joy and #GraceandTruth